Command and control of different parameters of the exhaust and filtration equipment on a touch screen display

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Product Description

All exhaust system parameters easily accessed
Base design allows for command and control of a fan exhaust system generally comprising of a fan together with a vsd, filtration equipment (electrostatic precipitators/UV lights) and odour mitigation (ozone injection).

Upgrades for further system monitoring
Further upgrades allow for additional inputs such as AOM INTAIR system parameters (varying cooking intensity), in-duct temperature probes and pressure differentiators as well as any further required system information.

Remote touch screen location
The AOM TOUCH interface can be located anywhere within a tenancy for ease of access.

Additional features available
AOM TOUCH can be tied to a fault alarm using SMS or WIFI, and the full system information can also be accessed remotely using WIFI.


AOM TOUCH display at Hurricane’s Grill Surfers Paradise


PLC with digital inputs and outputs

PLC with digital inputs and outputs Type Mitsubishi FX3G 240V

Touch screen

Type Mitsubishi GOT2000 10” screen

Main overview page

General overview of:
Fan (Power, Speed)
Filtration equipment (Power, Fault, High voltage amounts)
Ozone Generator (Power, Fault and Ozone production amounts)

Fan control page

Power switch (ON/OFF)
Mode (Manual/Automatic*)
Fan speed
VSD Data (Possibility of adjusting the VSD setup**)
Current (Current drawn by the fan**)
Setpoint Speed (Maximum speed programmed**)
Run/Stop (Switching the fan ON/OFF)

Filtration console page

Power switch (ON/OFF)
Mode (Manual/Automatic*)
Fault, Maintenance (using set timer)
Supply Voltage
Cell Voltage

Ozone Generator page

Power switch (ON/OFF)
Mode (Manual/Automatic*)
Ozone injection (Amount of ozone in grams/hour)


Automatic is not available in the Base Design and requires AOM INTAIR installed in the Exhaust System

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